How To Hack Email Passwords Using Winspy Keylogger

In one of my previous post i wrote a Review on Winspy Keylogger and regarded it as one of the best and easy to use Keyloggers to Hack email ,facebook , Myspace account  passwords. Winspy keylogger is a Complete Stealth Monitoring software that can be used to spy on both your Local PC and Remote PC .Many of my blog readers who are new to Key logging found it difficult to use this Keylogger. So to help them, Today i will be writing a tutorial on How you can use Winspy Keylogger to hack your friends email passwords

How To Hack Email Passwords Using Winspy Keylogger 

1. First a fall download a copy of  Winspy keylogger  From Here

2. After Downloading run the application , You will be prompted to enter a user name and password ,Enter any Username and password, You will use this username and password every time to login into Winspy Keylogger , After you install the keylogger, restart your computer

3. After restarting press  ctrl + shift + f12  ( Host keys - short cut to loginto winspy ) , A login box will pop out  prompting for your username and password, Enter the username and password which you created earlier finally click OK to login 

4. After you loginto Winspy, select remote at the top , Then click remote install 

5. A pop up box will appear as shown in the image,

Enter the following info in it 

  • User - Any name
  • File name - any name you want.Use the name such that victim will accept it.
  • File icon - Any icon you want (my advice- keep the same ) 
  • Picture - Select the picture you want to apply to the keylogger.

Now there are 5 different ways by which you can receive key logs and images of your victims computer , in this tut i will use email option as it is the easiest way

Select Emailer tab and enter your email address, Hotmail accounts do not accept keylog files, so use another email account id, I  suggest you to use Gmail, That's it. This much is enough. If you want, you can change other settings also.

6. After you have completed changing the settings, click on “Create Remote file”. Now a pop up box will appear as shown in the image

You can combine any file with your keylogger file , I recommend you to combine a picture, So Now When the victim clicks on the file Win Spy Software will install silently and victim will only see the picture which you  included .Thus the victim will not get suspicious

7. Now send the Keylogger  file to your victim.via email, Now when your victim opens the file, Win Spy Software will install silently, After which it will send all keystrokes typed by the victim to your email inbox. Thus, you will get all his passwords and thus you will be able to hack his email accounts

Hope you like the Article , If You have any doubts regarding the instillation please feel free to post a comment 

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Is This File FUD ?

John ( Admin ) said on September 12, 2011 at 8:15 AM :

Yes it is 100 % FUD


I can't get winspy keylogger! It's not free. Where can i get it for free?
Because i searched, but i didn't find anything :(

John ( Admin ) said on September 12, 2011 at 8:24 AM :

Ya now winspy stopped giving free versions ,TO keep the keylogger FUD (fully undetectable by anti viruses ) for a long time !

I recommend you to buy one its very cheap and its 100 % worth your money !


its nt freee my dearrr plllzzzz helppp


hey waiting for your new articles man..
plz post them soon


Please I intend to buy this application as soon as possible so I want to be sure that the application is powerful enough for my girlfriend to receive it through her email. She claims her email provider is very secured and it seems to be through. Please reply as soon as you see this. Thank you. Olaoluwa

John ( Admin ) said on October 16, 2011 at 11:57 AM :


If your Looking for the best spy software then go with Sniperspy

If ur looking for a cheap solution then go with Winspy


Are you suggesting sniperspy over winspy ben? And after buying would I have access to download it immediately cos I'm seeing something like shipping? Please do reply.


Does this sends images too like winspy?

John ( Admin ) said on October 16, 2011 at 8:43 PM :


ya i will always suggest Sniper spy over Win spy but as said earlier if ur looking for a cheap solution then go with Winspy its worth ur money

Winspy has lot of features i have written an article on that u can read it

Winspy has some extra features which are not there in Sniper spy

like view live webcam etc.


Yah thanks a lot john! So both still work effectively the same but winspy is cheaper right?

John ( Admin ) said on October 17, 2011 at 3:48 AM :


Ya exactly


Finally, I've made up my mind to procure the sniperspy...since winspy is not available (Clickbank does not support my country). But I've checked the sniperspy, it is not well articulated as the winspy. Just wanted to know if it sends keylogger file to emails and show it to the victim as a picture? Please reply.

John ( Admin ) said on October 18, 2011 at 2:47 AM :


SNIPER SPY is WELL articulated ! in fact more secure why i say this is because u have separate account provided by sniper spy, where u get all Ur log files so can't be traced !

Mailme at- i will help u !!


I got a keyloger named Rapzo keylogger 1.5v !!! can you tell me hows it????


HiJohn, I purchased this software and I followed the step in your blog but when I tried to atach the file to the email It did not allowed me to. I tried to send it through my hotmail account and also with my gmail account but It did not allow me to do attach the file to it. Please help me to do this. Regards,


John ( Admin ) said on November 8, 2011 at 6:35 PM :

glad u bought this software , see gmail or any other emails wont allow exe files to be sent, solution for it would be to zip it i mean compress it using winrar then send it or Try to the upload it to a free web hosting site or sites such as rapid share ..etc and ask the victim to download it

Let me know if u have any other problems :)


Hi John, Is it possible to upload a powerpoint file to this file so that the victim will see a powerpoint file and not notice any thing suspicious?


Hi John, I downloaded winrar on my computer and compressed the file to hack my victim, but when I tried to attach the winrar file to either gmail and hotmail, it did not allow me to and said because it detected an .exe file on it and they just won't send the file. What can I do?


John ( Admin ) said on November 10, 2011 at 7:18 PM :


1. You can use a binder to combine two files use one the binders provided by me or use the in-built one to combine to files

2. As i said earlier just upload the file to rapid share or any other sites similar to it, and ask the victim to download it or just send an email with the link

let me know if this helped u


after creating the key logger file it was saying key logger file created on d desktop but it is not ther what can i do... plz help me..


Hi John, please explain me how to use the binder that you mentioned before, I googled that term and it is a file that combines .exe files with other files less suspicious. I want to try this first, please let me know how to use it and provide me with more details.

Thank you.


John ( Admin ) said on December 1, 2011 at 6:31 PM :

Hey i have already explained about binders in my previous posts, hope these articles help u


Can you put up a free link?


how much time will take to install remote file,if it attached to an image?

Curious1 said on May 27, 2012 at 3:51 AM :

What happens if you attach the installer to the picture and the target person , after downloading it, forwards that e-mail with "infected" picture to somebody else? Will the target person get notification about installation?


How to Hack Facebook Account via FB Chat?

Please Answer at

esha said on November 5, 2012 at 6:32 AM : if we want to deinstall the keylogger software on the victims to do it..n can u tell..a free software which doesnt invovle disabling antivirus..n for hacking email n fb passwords

Unknown said on January 1, 2013 at 5:50 AM :
This comment has been removed by the author. REPLY
Unknown said on February 23, 2013 at 10:27 AM :

Does the keylogger install automatically when he clicks on the email, or does he have to click on the picture/Word Document/file?

Also, is it possible to spy on more than one person with this, or do I have to purchase another Winspy license?

Unknown said on April 7, 2013 at 1:30 PM :

is it possible to spy on more than one person with this, or do I have to purchase another Winspy license

John ( Admin ) said on April 7, 2013 at 6:21 PM :

@pierre jude

You can monitor up to ten people using one licence

Zainul said on November 3, 2013 at 9:57 PM :

HI jHON How much for freeze facebook software ?
Can download for freeze facebook by online?


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