The Internet has opened up the world to all its users. We visit places we’ve never been to, make friends with people we’ve never met and find information at the touch of a button. But the threat of danger in the system being attacked by virus and hackers always looms large. And this becomes especially serious when we think of the volume of content on the net- bank details, personal details and what have you. Thankfully, here are a few ways to ensure your information stays safe
Top 10 Tools that Ensure Your Online Security
1. URLVoid.com will let you key in the website and then tell you if the website is dangerous or secure. You can use any engine for this service, including Phish Tank and McAfee Trusted Source, among others
2. Bitdefender online virus scanner is a rudimentary but efficient plug-in that detects threats in around 60 seconds. This means safe transactions, protection of information on social media sites and fighting off threats via internet.
3. Metasploit is an open-source code testing platform. You can collate encoders and payloads for some state of the art code writing. It brings together experts from all fields and creates a system that deals with weaknesses and breaches in security in an effective manner.
4. Webmaster Tools- Google’s tool, you will receive an email from it to your website has been infected. The information is updated many times faster than the previous versions and finding virus has never been this simple!
5. Nessus If you are using UNIX, ensure that you pick up this free scanner with up to 46,000 plug ins. You can make security checks even from remote locations, which is great news for people on the move!
6. Cain and Abel If you are a Windows Loyalist, then you will love this tool that does cool things like recording conversations, decoding passwords and recovering passwords among other phenomenal things.
7. Wireshark The renowned and brilliant open source platform, enables you to understand data from a network or on a dish. Supporting numerous media and protocols, Wire shark has been at the top of the table for a long time.
8. Virus Total This free service uses more than one antivirus engine to read and report on compromised files. Since it is very quick, you can fight off worms, viruses and Trojans a lot more effectively.
9. W3af A relative newbie after the old timer at number 7 on this list, this is still a powerful and malleable tool meant to check chinks in the web application armor. You can use it to assess web sites and also to check plug ins and their efficiency.
10. Snort This free tool has a formidable reputation when it comes to network security. It detects and prevents attacks using a detection engine and specific language to do so.
1. URLVoid.com will let you key in the website and then tell you if the website is dangerous or secure. You can use any engine for this service, including Phish Tank and McAfee Trusted Source, among others
2. Bitdefender online virus scanner is a rudimentary but efficient plug-in that detects threats in around 60 seconds. This means safe transactions, protection of information on social media sites and fighting off threats via internet.
3. Metasploit is an open-source code testing platform. You can collate encoders and payloads for some state of the art code writing. It brings together experts from all fields and creates a system that deals with weaknesses and breaches in security in an effective manner.
4. Webmaster Tools- Google’s tool, you will receive an email from it to your website has been infected. The information is updated many times faster than the previous versions and finding virus has never been this simple!
5. Nessus If you are using UNIX, ensure that you pick up this free scanner with up to 46,000 plug ins. You can make security checks even from remote locations, which is great news for people on the move!
6. Cain and Abel If you are a Windows Loyalist, then you will love this tool that does cool things like recording conversations, decoding passwords and recovering passwords among other phenomenal things.
7. Wireshark The renowned and brilliant open source platform, enables you to understand data from a network or on a dish. Supporting numerous media and protocols, Wire shark has been at the top of the table for a long time.
8. Virus Total This free service uses more than one antivirus engine to read and report on compromised files. Since it is very quick, you can fight off worms, viruses and Trojans a lot more effectively.
9. W3af A relative newbie after the old timer at number 7 on this list, this is still a powerful and malleable tool meant to check chinks in the web application armor. You can use it to assess web sites and also to check plug ins and their efficiency.
10. Snort This free tool has a formidable reputation when it comes to network security. It detects and prevents attacks using a detection engine and specific language to do so.
online security tools are free so they don’t burn a hole in your pocket while
they keep your system safe. Even if they do cost money, you will agree that it
is a small price to pay if the end result is a safe and secure working
This is a guest post by Jena Branch of Buycox.com, a site that offers savings and current information on cox cable. If your your interested in writing a guest post @Hackaholic, please have a look at our guidelines
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